Shreeja Akella
2 min readJun 9, 2021


The Low Point

Every one of us has at least once felt hopeless or low. What do we do at such times? Why do we experience such feelings? It is hard to answer these questions, because all of us go through something or the other without being definite about the notion, and that’s normal. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with you it’s just the chaos around you that makes you feel lost and dejected. You know what they say “breathe. it’s just a bad day, not a bad life”, so just close your eyes and breathe moreover be grateful for your mind and your body which strive to be alive, thriving, and going every single day.

The fact that you are here today is enough for you to be happy, though you might not feel your best at this moment, yet you are fighting all the negativity inside you and that in itself is an accomplishment.

So stop blaming yourself for situations that you couldn’t control and instead work on your future self; the person you’ve always dreamt of being, the person you want to evolve into. At the same time, it is important to remember not to ignore your feelings, talk to someone, and if you feel like you don’t have anyone to talk to then call mental health helplines but make sure you reach out, keeping it all inside isn’t an ideal way to deal with stress and negativity.
In today’s world mental soundness and peace are as important as physical wellbeing, hence never shun your feelings. Be an inspiration for yourself by rising above all the pessimism. Be proud of yourself considering all the things you’ve fought and overcome, be proud because you haven’t given up and you don’t intend on doing it any sooner. You’ve got a long journey ahead so hold on and hang on to that one string of hope as in the end, this shall end too.

