Shreeja Akella
1 min readJun 3, 2021

Recently I read ‘The Accident’ by Daniel Steel, and for me, it wasn’t just a book but rather a realization about how we are more than what we eat, wear, or think. The book made me realize that during times of disasters, your life does not test your physical strength alone but also how you cope and handle it mentally. Since traumatic situations require and test all your abilities and capabilities to their fullest you as a person get mentally and physically exhausted.
But then, what is that one thing that keeps you going? for me, the answer would be hope. Even when you exhaust all your strength and energy, the voice within you tells you to hang on just a little bit longer and everything will be alright. The voice that helps you make decisions, the voice that subconsciously fights all the negativity in your body and protects you from evil thoughts.Hope. This one feeling, this one word keeps you going, it acts like captain America’s shield and Iron man’s suit just so that you know that it’s not the time to give up so soon. I believe we all have that voice and that’s our superpower.

